蝉は必ず上を向いて死ぬ。 蝉の目は体の後ろに付いていて、上を向いているときは視界のほとんどが地面に向かっている。彼らの目に映るものは何だろう。 幼少期にすでに見たことのある地面を見ているのだろうか、 それとも死なのか?
Cicadas are always tilted upwards when they die. Yet the cicadas' eyes are on their backs. What is it that they see when they die. Is it the earth that nurtures their young? Or is it the emptiness of death?
A photo book "Dead Cicada" inspired by "Fear of Death as a Child".
The bookbinding material is handmade paper that makes the best use of the texture of wood, and all are bound by hand.
. サイズ:400mm*200mm
. 頁數:46ページ
. 製本:和綴じ
Escaped from law. Now walking slowly in the world of paper.
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*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.